How do I reset my password?

Passwords can be reset by the administrator on the account within the Admin Portal. Any user can also reset their password using this link. More information can be found here; Resetting Passwords.

How do I add my staff and players to my account?

After purchasing your account, you can add your staff members and players to the account via the Admin Portal. You will need to make sure to grant each user access to the products you wish to be available to them (FastDraw & FastScout for coaches, FastScout only for players). More information can be found here; Adding Coaches & Players.

What does a seat mean? How many does each user need?

A seat signifies access that a user has been given access to a product. A user will only need 1 seat to enable them access to FastDraw Web, FastScout Web, and FastRecruit Web. For FastDraw Desktop, a user will need 1 seat for every device they wish to activate the FastDraw application on. For example, using a home computer and a work laptop would require 2 seats for that user.

How do I change my team properties (team name, logo, colors, etc.)?

Team properties can also be adjusted in the Admin Portal within the FastScout product page. From there, in the upper right-hand corner, there will be an option to "Add/Edit Team Properties). More information can be found here; Adding Team Properties.

Can I use the same email address for my own FastDraw account and a team FastDraw account?

Yes! There are some considerations for using one email address for multiple accounts, or a different email for each account. Mainly, if using the same email address, when your subscription is renewed, there's a chance it may add the extra year to your team account and not your personal one - this is an easy fix, though, please just contact our Support Team and let them know the email address used and which account(s) you are associated with that have expired although payment has been made.

Using different emails is preferred by some coaches to keep it easier to identify which account is with which. For example, using a school/work email for their school team, then their personal email for their personal account, if separate.