Much like you can create a custom tourney in FastRecruit Web, you can also use this feature to add Camps to your schedule. In addition, we have made attending individual Camps even easier by pre-populating some of the high profile camps into our system with their names and addresses. Using the "Appointment" feature in FastRecruit during camps allows you to take advantage of FastRecruit's general features like schedule organization, driving directions, taking notes, and more.

NOTE: Camps and Appointments can only be created and edited from the Web Portal. 

Adding a Camp to your Schedule

To get started, click on the Tourneys Tab and select the camp you will be attending (exactly like how you would select any FastRecruit tournament). In the example below, the camp of interest is the CP25 Southeast Elite Combine Camp. If your camp is not listed, you still have the option of creating your own Camp using the "Add Custom Tourney" button.

After selecting or creating your camp, you can assign Staff and Recruits who will be attending that camp in the same manner that you would for a tournament.

Next, rather than mapping Recruits to a Tourney Team, instead click the Appointments tab along the top.

The menu that opens will allow you to add an Appointment to your schedule, which will allow you to see your schedule of upcoming Camp events right alongside your tournament games for the day. You can use the Date, Time, and Appointment Name fields to add specific Camp events to your schedule, such as a morning skills workout, game, or afternoon session. Alternatively, you can simply choose the starting time of the camp as a placeholder and reminder to attend the camp that day. 

The Venue field will allow you to choose from a list of known venues that we provide for pre-populated camps, or the Venues that you have added for a custom Camp. Lastly, add your Recruits who will be participating in the Appointment you are creating. The Recruits list will only be populated with Recruits that you assigned to the Camp in the previous step. Date, Appointment Name, and Venue are required to create an Appointment.

The Appointments that you create will now populate into the Schedule screen on the phones of each coach who has been assigned to that Camp. In the example below, two Appointments have been scheduled for the CP25 camp, a "Morning Skills Session" at 9am involving three assigned recruits, and a 12pm "Games" session involving four assigned recruits.

From here, coaches can use the app as they normally would to get directions, take notes on a recruit, add new recruits to these appointments, mark appointments as attended, and star appointments as a priority. 

NOTE: While Recruits can be added to an appointment from the FastRecruit Mobile app, appointments can only be created or edited from the Web portal.