Below are the steps to get any new recruits you've added out of FastRecruit and back into your FrontRush Recruiting Database. This article covers the steps for exporting Recruits, and also for transferring Notes. If you need any further help with these steps, please contact [email protected].

Step 1: Export your Recruits from FastRecruit onto a .CSV file

Within the Recruits Tab in the FastRecruit Web portal, click the "Bulk Actions" button and select "Export Recruits" from the menu. In the "Export Recruits" menu, you will be presented with a number of different filters that you can use to adjust which Recruits are included in your Export. If you leave each filter blank, your entire database will be exported.

Below are the filters available for your Export that can be used individually or in combination together:

  • Updated From/To Dates: By setting these filters, all newly added Recruits and also all existing Recruits with updated information (grad year, club team, etc) from the selected time period will be included in the export file.
  • Created From/To Dates: These filters will include only new Recruits that were added to your database during the selected time period.

Once you have set your desired filters, click the "Export Recruits" button to create a .CSV export file containing your Recruits.

Please make sure you set the 'Created From Date' field to the beginning of your recruiting season and leave the rest of the fields blank. This will generate an export of only new recruits this season, which FrontRush will accept.

Step 2: E-mail the exported .CSV file to FrontRush support

Once you have exported your list of new recruits from FastRecruit and saved the .CSV file, e-mail the .CSV file to [email protected]. In the e-mail include your school's name and indicate that you'd like to have the attached information added to your account. FrontRush support will then complete the process.

Step 3: Transfer notes from FastRecruit to FrontRush

1. Open FastRecruit and navigate to Reports > Notes

2. If needed, you can filter the notes that show by date, recruit, or author (coach)

3. We recommend clicking on the 'Recruit' column to sort your notes by recruit


4. Open FrontRush in a separate browser tab/window. Copy the relevant notes for each recruit and paste them into the recruit's profile in FrontRush

This copy/paste process will save you a lot of time over taking notes by hand in the paper recruiting book while on the road and then needing to type everything out once you get back on campus. FastRecruit will organize your notes by recruit and allow for easy copying and pasting into FrontRush when you return.