
Tags on a play are an additional way to categorize and organize your plays. These can be used in addition to the Series and Team options to help manage your play library.

Creating a Tag

One way to create a Tag is via the Tags tab. Select the "Add Tag" button on the top right hand side

In the Create Tag menu, enter the Tag Name in the text box and then a Background Color from the color selector and Text Color from the options available or by entering a Hex code. A preview will be shown at the top, when you have completed the selections, press the "Create" button at the bottom. The new tag will be added automatically to the list alphabetically.

Adding a Tag to a Play

To add a Tag to a play, access the Play Details menu by pressing the Settings button while editing a play. Then, press the + button next to Tags and select a previously created tag from the list. You can also select "Create New Tag" at the top of the list to quickly add a new tag.

If creating a new tag, the process is the same as above via the Tag tab. Enter the Tag Name in the text box and then a Background Color from the color selector and Text Color from the options available or by entering a Hex code. A preview will be shown at the top, when you have completed the selections, press the "Create" button at the bottom.