Please note: The examples below show how to edit and organize a Team, but editing and organizing a Series is the same process, just done via the Series tab.

Deleting a Series or Team

If you would like to delete or rename a Team, select the Team hand sidetab, where you will see all the teams in your account. The number on the right handside will refer to the number of plays within that team. When you move your mouse cursor over a team, you'll see the edit button (pencil icon) and delete button (trashcan icon).

When clicking the delete button, you will be prompted to confirm you'd like to do so. If this was an accident, press Cancel and no changes will be made. Otherwise, press Delete to confirm this step.

Now, those plays that were assigned to the deleted team will be shown at the top of the Plays list. There will be no team assigned to them, so you'll be able to add them to a new team or delete the plays from here.

Renaming a Series or Team

If you would like to rename a Team, select the Team tab, where you will see all the teams in your account. When you move your mouse cursor over a team, you'll see the edit button (pencil icon) and delete button (trashcan icon). 

By clicking on the edit button, you will have a blank field to type in, with the original team name being showed in grey. Type your new team name and click on the blank area or press the enter/return key to save the change.

Arranging a Series or Team

By default, FastDraw Web will automatically arrange all Series, Team, and Tag lists in alphabetical order.