Welcome to the all new FastDraw application! We're excited for you to get started.

Logging In

To login, head to fastscout.fastmodelsports.com and click the PLAYS button at the top of the page. You will get prompted to log-in again after clicking PLAYS.

You should see all of your plays from the old FastDraw-Desktop application listed here so you can pick up right where you left off!

Draw your first play

To draw a new play, click the NEW PLAY button. The new Play Editor will immediately open so you can begin diagramming your play or drill.

Use hotkeys on your keyboard to quickly add players to the court and begin drawing actions:

P - place 5 players on the court with 5 consecutive

D - start drawing action

Animate your play

After drawing your actions, click the ANIMATE button to open the animation timeline. From here you can edit the length of each action (how long should the cut take?) and when each action should start/stop.

Share plays with your team

Select one or more plays from your library, and right-click to share plays with your players through the FastScout mobile app. Pick the specific players or coaches to share plays to.

Create and print your playbook

To create a playbook, select one or more plays from your library, right-clicl, and select Create Playbook

The playbook will be created and you will be taken to the PLAYBOOKS page. From here just click Download PDF to download/print your playbook!

We're continuously updating FastDraw with more features and enhancements. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]